Regattas Information


Rowing is a competitive sport and there is no shortage of opportunities for our crews to compete and represent Takapuna Grammar School  

During the season, the Club will compete in approximately 12 regattas, culminating in the North Island Secondary Schools (NISS) Championships and the Maadi Cup. Competition at all levels is fierce and this provides an excellent development platform for young rowers, in both areas ability and sportsmanship. 

Rowing competitions are called 'Regattas’. Takapuna Grammar School Rowing Club provides all rowers with a chance to compete at regattas, although not all rowers attend every regatta. Some regattas are designed for Senior/Junior Competition Squads, and some for Development Squad, and others for all levels of rowers.

Parents are encouraged to attend the events to support the rowers, with helpers required for transport, catering, boat maintenance and general organising activities.  We have a lot of fun supporting our rowers.  Bring your own picnic lunch, binoculars, camera, chairs, and some reading material is always good to have as there can be lengthy down times between races.

Our Takapuna Grammar School Rowing Club tent is our home base and a meeting place to catch up with all other club members, there are some chairs provided at tent for you to sit back, relax and enjoy, but we recommend that you bring your own. Our tent is also used as a base to cater for the rowers (and parent volunteers are also needed to support the rowers). 

Crew members will also have a tent or other shelter in the boat park from where they make their final preparations for each race and go through their debrief and immediate post-race nutrition routines. The boat park is equivalent to the dressing room in other sporting codes. It is the place for the rowers to focus on their racing and it is not a place for parents to visit. Accordingly, parents are asked not to visit the boat park during regattas. 

Once the races are finished, boats and equipment must be loaded onto the trailer. All rowers are expected to stay for any awards ceremony. A roster will determine which rowers will be needed to ensure the boat loading is undertaken quickly and efficiently. 

Regatta Site


Takapuna Grammar School Rowing Club will normally erect a marquee tent in the regatta site.  Crew Members, parents/supporters can use this as a base. We have lots of camping style chairs for our crew members, but for parents/supporters it is a good idea to bring your own chair, binoculars, and be prepared for all weather – sun, wind and rain.


Parents are requested not to go into the Boat Park. This space is for the coaches and the crew members only so that they can focus and prepare for their races. Parents can catch up with their rower when they return to the club’s marquee tent at the regatta site. 


All crew members will be supervised and under the responsibility of the coaching team (led by the Head Coach) and the Teacher in Charge (TIC) or assigned Regatta/Camp duty Committee member.


Lost property will be taken to the Blue Shed at the conclusion of each regatta and should be checked regularly should a rower be missing anything. 

Accommodation and Meals


Crew member accommodation is in single sex dormitory/rooms with some, or all, of their age group crew.  The rooms are treated as bedrooms, where privacy is respected. Boys and girls do not spend time in each other’s dormitory/room.  

Unless otherwise specified crew members will need to bring their own sheets (preferably fitted bottom sheet) and a duvet/sleeping bag, blanket and pillow.  From a hygiene perspective it is not acceptable to lie on the mattresses without any cover on the mattress!

Rooms can get very hot in the summer and cool in winter, therefore heater/fans may be provided.  

Crew members are responsible for keeping their rooms clean during their stay and clearing and sweeping/vacuuming out their rooms on the day we vacate camp.

The Head Coach and Teacher in Charge (TIC) (or Club President) set lights out times. 


Depending on where we are staying, powered/non-powered camp sites will normally be available to parents/supporters.  These can be booked through our Camps Manager and there will be a cost per night (set by the camp provider) that will be invoiced to you by our Accounts team. We may also have limited dormitory style accommodation available to book - this is not however guaranteed. Alternatively some parents book into Air BnB type accommodation nearby to where our crew members are staying.


All meals are provided to our crew members as part of crew member fees.  

Meals are also able to be provided to parents/supporters who are accommodated at the camp.  The full day cost will be approx $15 when we are self catering , otherwise the cost for meals will be at the rate set by the accommodation provider/caterer and you will be invoiced by our Accounts Manager on completion of the camp/regatta.

Meals are eaten together in the camp’s dining room (or at the regatta site).  Meals are always healthy and balanced and there is plenty for everyone.  

Our registration form collects details of crew member allergies.  If supporters or siblings attending the camp/regatta have food allergies or special dietary requirements please let our Camps Manager know on the Google Form, and also pack any special food which may be required. 

Rowers are permitted to bring their own supply of sweets, chocolate,  flavoured milk drinks, recovery drinks etc. Please include these with their personal packing and ensure that they are clearly named as they may need to be stored in a communal area (camps do not normally allow food to be stored in dormitories).


Each crew member is requested to provide large batch(es) of home baking; one batch for a regatta weekend away (unless otherwise specified) and two batches may be requested for more lengthy regattas.

Home baking is used as part of lunch, morning/afternoon tea or dessert where appropriate, and distribution is monitored as part of the overall foods prepared. 

Biscuits and slices are best as they keep longer, but all contributions will be gratefully received…please clearly label if contents contain nuts or are gluten free.  

For transportation, ice-cream containers are ideal, however if you want your container back please ensure it is named (and can either be collected at the regatta/camp or back at the club).  

First Aid

Crew members are to ensure that they bring their own blister prevention and treatment kit (see packing list) - our first aid trained parents/coaches can assist to apply plasters/tape etc.

The club’s first aid kits/boxes are kept in the following locations:

  • Regatta Accommodation Site - stays there the entire time

  • Regatta Site – Boat Park

  • Regatta Site - Base Tent

The club has a number of St Johns first aid trained parents.  Regattas will normally have a First Aid post or St John’s Ambulance vehicle/tent on site.

Parent Participation

All regattas are managed by the Coaches and Rowing Committee, but would not function without parents support.  An email asking for your support will be distributed prior to each regatta/camp date.

Many hands make light work!

Parent help is required on the day of arrival at the regatta site or first thing on the morning of racing to help set up the tents etc.  Also, on completion or at the end of the regatta to dismantle and pack up everything and put back onto the trailer/truck.  


Transport - van drivers and carpools as required to transport rowers, rowing boats and kitchen equipment.

Kitchen Duties - There will be a roster created which covers food preparation, serving, dishes, cleaning and also covers the regatta site for lunch.  All parents attending regattas are requested to help out with at least one duty per day. This will be posted in the kitchen. Upon arrival please ensure you familiarise yourself with your duties.  

Laundry Duty - The camps that we stay at will normally have large washing machines and dryers which are coin operated ($1 and $2 coins).  A parent (or two) is responsible for the laundry (row suits and rowing t-shirt only) which will be co-ordinated with the roster provided. We request that each rower provide $3 (in $1 or $2 coins) for each camp/regatta – this can be taped to their home baking container.

If, for any reason, the duty assigned to you is not suitable please exchange with someone else on the roster – this is your responsibility and please do not just fail to turn up – this lets the whole club down.

Catering Loading/Unloading - Getting the catering organised is a huge task.  Assistance may be required to help with loading and unloading at Bayswater, before and after regattas/camp.

Lake Karapiro Regattas/Camps

We will normally try to stay at Epworth or Finlay Park Camps for Karapiro regattas/camps.  However, from time to time these may not be available and we will therefore book accommodation elsewhere (eg Podium Lodge).

Epworth Camp, Finlay Park Camp and Finlay Park Village are all adjacent to each other.

The camps are located right beside the Waikato River. Crew members are not permitted to swim in the river at any time as the water is not safe to swallow and may cause infection. Rowers must always disinfect and dress any minor cuts or abrasions each time they return from river training.

It should be noted that there is no Vodafone cellphone coverage at Camp Epworth or Finlay Park.  Spark and 2degrees do however have coverage and these camps also have WIFI that can be purchased. There will be numbers (on Spark network) provided to you ahead of each camp in case there is an important need to get in touch with your crew member.

The Karapiro River regatta site is located 6 km south of Cambridge and approximately half an hours drive from Epworth/Finlay Camps.  Regatta parking is available at $7 per day.  

The following is provided to give you an indication of what will be provided if we do stay at Epworth or Finlay Camps.

Epworth Camp

Epworth Retreat & Recreation Centre, 116 Finlay Road, Hora Hora, RD2, Cambridge

Epworth is set on 10 acres beside the Waikato River and also maintains and utilises 2 acres of water frontage.  It is about half an hour drive from the Karapiro regatta site. 

Camp facilities are as follows:

  • Epworth offers a really lovely setting for camping.  It is about half an hour drive from the Karapiro regatta site. 

  • Swimming pool - The use of the swimming pool (for rowers) is to be organised and supervised by the coaching staff.  Please ask the Head Coach or TIC for permission before using the pool. Families using the pool must watch their own children. The supervision needs to be by someone over 16.  

  • When accommodated in the main lodge upstairs, access to the pool, lower field and the river is through the dining hall, not the steps leading to the downstairs site.

  • The Gym - This will often be set up with some erg machines (provided we have space to transport them to camp).  It is available for all to use – unless the rowers are using it for training or erg sessions.

  • Showers - Two blocks will be allocated to girls/women and two to boys/men. There is no swapping, even if there are unused showers.

  • Dining hall - Parents are welcome to use this area at any time during the day and evening.  If we are accommodated upstairs, the only request is that, after 9pm chairs do not get dragged over the floor if there is another group accommodated in the sleeping quarters directly below.

  • Laundry - This is located on the lower level and there are large washing machines and dryers which are coin operated ($1 and $2 coins).

  • Chiller - There is a chiller at Epworth Camp which parents/crew members can put personal food items in.  Please name your items/bag so it is not used as communal food. There will be shelves allocated for this.

  • WIFI can be purchased.

Finlay Park Adventure Camp

Finlay Park Adventure Camp, 117 Finlay Road, Hora Hora, RD2, Cambridge.

Finlay Park Adventure Camp is located beside the Waikato River (adjacent to Epworth Camp).  It is about half an hour drive from the Karapiro regatta site.

Camp facilities are as follows:

  • Finlay offers a lovely setting for camping with great views of the river.

  • Dining hall - Parents are welcome to use this area at any time during the day and evening.

  • Chiller – please name all your items that are placed into the chiller.

  • Drying Room - A drying room is located next to the lake cabins to dry and air out clothes.

  • Bathroom facilities - shower/toilets are attached to each accommodation block.

  • Swimming and Spa Pool - There is a large 24 m x 10 m x 1.3 m outdoor swimming pool, a small paddling pool and a large 40 person inside spa.  The use of the pools (for rowers) is to be organized and supervised by the coaching staff. Please ask the Head coach or TIC/Committee Member in Charge for permission before using the pool.  Families using the pools must watch their own children. The supervision needs to be by someone over 16. 

  • Recreation Hall - Available for indoor games. 

  • Gym/Events Centre - This centre holds an inside skate ramp (no helmet no ride policy).

  • WIFI can be purchased.

Finlay Park Village

Finlay Park Adventure Camp, 117 Finlay Road, Hora Hora, RD2, Cambridge.

Finlay Park Village is located beside the Waikato River (adjacent to Epworth Camp).  It is about half an hour drive from the Karapiro regatta site. This is a small eco site at the main entrance to Finlay Park Adventure Camp (and Epworth Camp).

Camp facilities are as follows:

  • Accommodation is in 7 x 4 bunk bed fales with solar power. 

  • Rowers need to remember to turn the lights off in their faces when they depart in the morning or else there is no lighting available at night time!  

  • There are no power outlets in the fales so remember to bring power banks should you want to charge your phone.

  • There is one new shower block with separate mens and womens facilities and an older shower module across the field.

  • There is one small chiller, kitchen and dining room with a large deck.  

  • Outside tables are ideal to eat at if the weather permits.  

  • There is only a washing machine at the Village with dryers at the main Finlay Park Camp.

  • Swimming pool - The use of the swimming pool (for rowers) is to be organised and supervised by the coaching staff.  Please ask the Head Coach or TIC/Committee Member in Charge for permission before using the pool.

Regatta & Camp Packing List

(click on button at top of page for printable document)

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